Increasing the visibility and synergies between H2020 supported actions in the field of the innovative storage systems projects and community is a key action in the dissemination activities of the ComBioTES project and will be used to enforce a rapid exploitation and potential cross-linking of project goals and marketing initiatives. Cooperation with these sister projects will be established and reinforced during the lifespan of the project:

The SWS-HEATING project will develop an innovative seasonal thermal energy storage unit with a novel storage material and creative configuration, i.e. a sorbent material embedded in a compact multi-modular sorption STES unit. This will allow to store and shift the harvested solar energy available abundantly during the summer to the less sunny and colder winter period thus covering a large fraction of heating and domestic hot water demand in buildings. The targeted benefit of this next generation solar heating technology is to reach and overcome a solar fraction of 60% in central/north Europe, reaching 80% in the sunnier south of Europe, with a compact and high-performing STES system at low cost.

Coordinated by the CARTIF Foundation, MAKING-CITY aims to address and demonstrate the urban energy system transformation towards smart and low-carbon cities, based on the Positive Energy District (PED) concept. Today cities have an essential role to play in tackling climate change by significantly reducing their carbon emissions. The PED operational models developed in MAKING-CITY will help European and other cities around the world to adopt a long-term City Vision 2050 for energy transition and sustainable urbanisation whilst turning citizens into actors of this transformation. The PED concept appears as a step beyond the current European building regulations by bringing major structural, societal, economical and technological changes in the cities.