Publication on Demand Response applications!
ComBioTES project is pleased to announce that our first scientific publication, written by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), is now published online in the journal Energy Reports.
The paper is related to the research work on the development of the control system to shift the electrical load of the system to low price periods, while satisfying the specified indoor comfort requirements.
More specifically, a building heating system coupled with an active Phase Change Material (PCM) TES device and a Heat Pump is simulated to characterise its potential for Demand Response applications. A control-oriented numerical model for the PCM TES was developed to simulate the dynamics of the coupled building heating system. Indeed, simulation results indicate that utilising an active PCM TES over a sensible TES offers significant advantages for DR applications in building heating systems in terms of load shift flexibility, energy costs and consumption.
Congratulations to the authors!

Read the full article here: Demand response with active phase change material based thermal energy storage in buildings