ComBioTES at Enerstock 2024

Enerstock is a leading international conference on energy storage, addressing the latest developments in science, policies, and deployment. Organized every three years by the IEA Energy Storage Technology Collaboration Programme, it attracts hundreds of experts from all over the world. This year, Enerstock 2024 was held in Lyon from June 5 to 7.

The Horizon 2020 project, ComBioTES, was well represented at Enerstock 2024. In fact, the CEA team presented the project`s results from their work in Work Package 2 (WP2). Their presentation focused on the performance enhancement of Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage (LHTES) systems designed for domestic hot water production. This research highlights the potential for LHTES to improve energy efficiency and sustainability in household applications.

In addition to their work on LHTES, the CEA team also presented their findings on the multi-scale experimental characterization and management of supercooling in Isosorbide, a Phase Change Material (PCM) for thermal energy storage. This work was also developed in the framework of ComBioTES, in WP3.

ComBioTES’ participation in Enerstock 2024 highlighted the importance of international collaboration in the field of energy and sustainable solutions.

Below you will find the aforementioned presentations: